2018 pro:Americas New York City Regional RegionalJune 13 | Empire State Building | New York City Sponsored by: Kaltex America, Lectra, Sourcing Journal & World Textile SourcingOur 6th AAPN Regional Conference in New York this past Wednesday was simply spectacular. We never know how these events will develop. THIS one was full of surprises.
Hebe Schecter is President of Kaltex America, a 20,000 person production enterprise with operations in Mexico, Colombia and elsewhere. She gave a talk about her company, their customers and pressures from the industry. Yet, it was the fact that here we had a woman CEO talking. It gave the idea to Sue Strickland and Jill Coleman that maybe its time for a woman-only AAPN function. Finally, our guest speaker was Matt Hornbuckle of stantt.com. He was a pure start up, no industry knowledge but an idea for a better fitting mens’ shirt. Read all about it on stantt.com. We had well over a half hour of Q&A with Matt. Many thanks to our sponsors for the June 13 AAPN New York Regional Conference to Kaltex, Lectra, Sourcing Journal and World Textile Sourcing. On Thursday we had two additional events. First I hosted a roundtable at ProColombia on sourcing from there. Then in the afternoon we joined 400 others for the Trailblazers program hosted by AAPN member Alvanon. It was a spectacular line up of speakers and panels on sizing and fit. As the saying goes, “80% of success in life comes from just showing up”. We did and many thanks to those of you who joined us. |